"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" is a love story about a very humanistic cyborg named "Tee Ecks" (played by Kristanna Loken) who travels back in time in pursuit of the man of her dreams, John Connor (played by Nick Stahl), willing to, uh, terminate anyone or anything that gets in the way of a relationship with her one true love.
Much of this movie is based in reality. For example, SkyNet, cyborgs, and time travel all have Wikipedia entries and are therefore real. There are people in my neighborhood who are definitely cyborgs from the future. I mean, I don't know that for a fact, but you really only have to look at them and you can tell. Also real: the fact that someone like John Connor would be interested in Tee. Without going into detail, let me just say Kristanna Loken + machine + vampire and we know we're really getting somewhere wild.
What is fake about this movie then? That other Terminator dude. He shows up, thinking that no, there's no way he's gonna let John and Tee get together. Instead he locks him in the back of a truck with Claire Daines, hoping maybe they will hook up (yeah, right!) and instead secretly hopes that maybe Tee will want him instead. Let's get real here. What would she ever see in someone like the Terminator? He's not her type at all! FAKE.
Iris Diaphragm Microscope
9 months ago
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