Monday, September 1, 2008

Reginald Speaks Up

A fake reader, Reginald, commented:
What do you mean, "movies are fake"???!?! I've seen some movies WITH MY OWN EYES and THEY WERE REAL!!! Get a grip, noob. [And I really, really love your blog btw!]

LOL! As if "Reginald" were a real name! And by the way, my name is not "noob," it is "moviesarefake" as you can plainly see from the blog title! Here's a suggestion - why don't you e-mail me the titles of some of the movies you claim to be real - then I will evaluate them and tell you that you are wrong. What do you say to that?

Still, thank you Reginald for your post. It is good to hear that you saw movies with your own eyes. This is similar to how most of us see the movies we have seen. Although, sometimes, I have viewed some movies with Jennifer Garner's eyes. What a trip! You'll never believe this, but her eyes switch the colors around - she sees blue as red and vice versa! Amazing.

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