Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fake Correspondence Number 1

Even though this blog is relatively new, apparently I have at least one fake loyal reader. I present to you some fake correspondence here (edited for content and to fit this screen):

[Dear] moviesarefake,

I think your ... website [is really amazing].... You can take this letter and [post] it right up [on] your [website]. [I think that would be really amazing, because I really love everything] you [have written, it is totally hilarious, keep it up bro].

[Warmest regards],
(Name Withheld)
Carrot River, Saskatchewan, Canada

Thank you, Mr. or Ms. Withheld. I appreciate your kind words about my blog. I take the greatest care to make sure that you, my loyal readers, know why so many movies are fake, even if you live in a place that does not have movies yet (like Carrot River).