Friday, August 29, 2008

A New Fan!

Dan writes:

Dear moviesarefake:
I'm starting to get pretty dang [concerned and worried about you] because the quantity of your posts seems to have dropped off since last month [and I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of other fans worldwide who share similar concerns and feelings. Plus, our lives have started to lose meaning since you haven't been] blogging as much anymore.
[If it isn't too much to ask, please find the time to deliver more posts. I really really like your website, it is amazing.]


Dan Pippington
Cross Shepherd, East West Virginia

Thank you for your kind, kind letter. Believe me, I do realize how much my blog posts mean to all of my loyal fans. All I have to say for myself is, Don't you realize the Olympics have been going on recently? What exactly is your problem? I don't owe you ANYTHING! Why don't you just shut the crap up and I'll post whenever I please.

Thank you again. Have a nice day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, at least you're writing something again.

By the way, are the Olympics fake? Seems like some of the events should be.