Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tad Asks About Remakes

Tad, famous for his flawed "Sequels of Fake Movies Should Be Fake" hypothesis, asked:
Dear moviesarefake:

Are remakes of fake movies still fake? What if the remake addresses the thing that made the original fake - would that make the remake non-fake? [I really want to know, because I'm concerned that perhaps you might claim that a Star Trek movie is not real after all, and then the very foundation of my life would be shaken, but then perhaps I could remake the movie, and then my life would have meaning again. And, your website is totally teh bomb.]

Thank you Tad, I assume you mean that last line as a compliment, although you misspelled the word teh. And your observation is very astute. Like I said before, every movie has to be evaluated on its own merit, independently of all others.

To give you an example, suppose a person was fake. Then suppose that person is reincarnated. The reincarnated version could be real. Then the reincarnated version could go back in time, and replace the fake version. I bet that has already happened.

However, in your particular example, if you remade any Star Trek movies they would probably also be fake, because you could not do it. Don't set yourself up for failure, dreaming impossible dreams.

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