"Twilight" is a movie about vampires that do not kill other people, and a woman who wants to have sex.
Gosh, that was incredibly easy. FAKE.
Iris Diaphragm Microscope
10 months ago
You know all those movies you see? None of them are real - and I will prove it to you!
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
Dear moviesarefake,Well, Tad, it looks like you've got yourself a challenge. So far, Tiny Tim is leading by a long shot. Are you really going to let someone named "Tiny" defeat you in your quest for fame, popularity, and an abundance of babes? What would he do with an abundance of babes? Exactly. He's too tiny. So let's see what you've got, buster!
That makes ten e-mails I sent to you. Tell that [nice old chap] Tad to [be aware that I am up to the challenge.] And by the way, if you call me "Tiny" Tim again, I'm going to hunt you down [a nice grain-fed antelope, which you will find to be most delicious,] and gut you[r antelope for you,] like a pig [, free of charge. And your blog is awesome.]
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
Interesting approach, Tad. Very straightforward. So you seek fame, popularity, and an abundance of babes by being the most featured correspondent on my website. I can completely understand your plan. We'll have to see if Tiny Tim has anything to say about it.
Dear moviesarefake:
I have a question: [sorry, that is fake. I don't really have a question. I just want to have you publish more correspondence from me than from that Tiny Tim bozo. Bottom line is, I seek fame, popularity, and an abundance of babes, and being the most featured correspondent on your website seems the most logical and likely way for me to obtain my goal. Your website rules!]
What do you mean, "movies are fake"???!?! I've seen some movies WITH MY OWN EYES and THEY WERE REAL!!! Get a grip, noob. [And I really, really love your blog btw!]LOL! As if "Reginald" were a real name! And by the way, my name is not "noob," it is "moviesarefake" as you can plainly see from the blog title! Here's a suggestion - why don't you e-mail me the titles of some of the movies you claim to be real - then I will evaluate them and tell you that you are wrong. What do you say to that?
Dear moviesarefake:
Are all chick flicks fake?
(via the Internet)
Dear moviesarefake:
I'm starting to get pretty dang [concerned and worried about you] because the quantity of your posts seems to have dropped off since last month [and I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands of other fans worldwide who share similar concerns and feelings. Plus, our lives have started to lose meaning since you haven't been] blogging as much anymore.
[If it isn't too much to ask, please find the time to deliver more posts. I really really like your website, it is amazing.]
Dan Pippington
Cross Shepherd, East West Virginia
Dear moviesarefake:Little Bill also wrote:
What do you mean, does Roosevelt have the whole Internet? Do you even know how the Internet works? [Because I don't, and I would love it if you would teach me. And I really love your movie reviews, a lot.]
[Warmest regards,]
[Tiny] Tim Timson
Dear moviesarefake:I figured I would just answer both of you at the same time. I do not have the time to teach you how cartoons work. June is definitely hot, but not nearly so much as July and August. What does that have to do with the Internet? But thank you for your loyal patronage!
I don't even have a big brother. And I'm not little - I'm like 6'4" and 225. And I don't even watch Pokemon. [I watch Little Einsteins. Ooh, I think that June is a hottie!]
[Loyally yours,]
[Little] Bill Kindling
Dear moviesarefake:Thank you Tad, I assume you mean that last line as a compliment, although you misspelled the word teh. And your observation is very astute. Like I said before, every movie has to be evaluated on its own merit, independently of all others.
Are remakes of fake movies still fake? What if the remake addresses the thing that made the original fake - would that make the remake non-fake? [I really want to know, because I'm concerned that perhaps you might claim that a Star Trek movie is not real after all, and then the very foundation of my life would be shaken, but then perhaps I could remake the movie, and then my life would have meaning again. And, your website is totally teh bomb.]
Dear moviesarefake:Nicely done, Little Bill. I'm so proud of you for having learned to use the Internet! I'm very glad you like this website, but unfortunately, we cannot make such a statement about cartoons and other animated features. To give you one example, I have not explored much under the sea, so it is very possible there is a pineapple down there, and that a sponge lives inside it. And don't even get me started on anime, which I'm pretty sure is real, much like kung-fu.
Couldn't we just make a sweeping statement and declare that all cartoons and other animated features are fake? That would help out tremendously [because my big brother keeps saying that Pokemon is real and he is going to beat the crap out of me if I dare tell him that Pokemon is fake, and if you would back me up it would be awesome, because then he could beat the crap out of you instead of me. I'm so freaking sick of Pokemon anyway. And your website rules.]
["Little"] Bill Kindling
via the Internet
Dear moviesarefake,Again, thank you, Tiny Tim, for your letter, although I must take issue with you on one topic - of course your name is Tiny Tim. What else would it be? However, I do stand corrected on the issue of whether Roosevelt has the Internet. A simple Google search revealed a company that provides Internet service to Roosevelt. But, I ask you: Do they have the whole Internet? I doubt it.
I wanted to address a concern I had about the letter I wrote you, which you posted on your blog. First of all, my name is not "Tiny" Tim, and I really don't appreciate you saying that. And also, where do you come off saying that there is no Internet in Roosevelt, Utah? Of course we have the Internet! [But please don't be upset by my e-mail, because I really love your website. A lot.]
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
Roosevelt, Utah
Dear moviesarefake:
I am wondering if sequels of fake movies are also fake by definition. It seems to me that they should be. And likewise, if a movie is not-fake, any sequels of that movie would also be fake.
Can you please let me know if this is true? And if so, could you please hurry up and review one of the Star Trek movies? I'm very anxious for you to do this, because my entire life is based upon my conviction that Star Trek is real, and it would be nice if I knew for sure, so I'll know whether to try to get my money back from my Star Trek Convention registration.
Tad Thzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............................................
(via the internet)
Dear moviesarefake,
I just had to respond to your posting entitled Fake Correspondence Number 1. I get the impression that you may have changed the author's original intent of their letter by only quoting parts of it, interjecting terms, etc. I don't think that is fair. [And also, I really, really love your website, all of it.]
["Tiny"] Tim Timson
Roosevelt, Utah
[Dear] moviesarefake,
I think your ... website [is really amazing].... You can take this letter and [post] it right up [on] your [website]. [I think that would be really amazing, because I really love everything] you [have written, it is totally hilarious, keep it up bro].
[Warmest regards],
(Name Withheld)
Carrot River, Saskatchewan, Canada